
What muscles do you use to jump high?

What muscles do you use to jump high? recommends Adam Folker's Vert Shock System to help you jump higher. Add 15 inches to your vertical jump now. Buy with confidence with their 90 day Money Back Guarantee!

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Most of the sports such as basketball, volleyball, and high jump require physical fitness so that you can help your team to win. To be a good support to your team you need to be exceptional in running, dodging, and jumping. The first two skills can be practiced easily but what about jumping? Jumping can be improved by training and hard work but before you train your muscles you need to have some basic knowledge about it.

When you jump high there are several muscles involved in it which can either minimize or minimize your performance.

Your lower body plays an important role in making you jump high and it is very necessary to train it so that you can prevent injuries. Apart from your lower body core muscles also plays an equal role to increase your jump. They help you to absorb the pressure which is been generated during the jump. recommends Adam Folker's Vert Shock System to help you jump higher. Add 15 inches to your vertical jump now. Buy with confidence with their 90 day Money Back Guarantee!

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Your mind thinks the following question – What muscles do you use to jump high?

It is extremely important to know which muscles are being involved during your jump so that you can train accordingly. Training these muscles will help you to refrain from major injuries like back, ankle and knee injury.

Muscles used during the jump

The lower back is mostly involved during the jump but one of the major muscles which are involved in it is glutes, hamstrings, and calves. To better understand how each muscle works during the jump, we can split them based on the action they perform. For example, the muscles involved during your hip movement are hip flexors.


Glutes that are commonly known as hips, play a major role in increasing your jump. They help you to transfer the energy from the lower body to the upper part to make you jump high. A person who has weak glutes will not able to jump high as compared to the one with strong glutes. There are many exercises through which we can train our glutes. These are hip thrust, reverse leg presses, and lunges. An athlete who has strong glutes will not only be able to jump high but he will also excel in other areas such as running and dodging. The hip thrust is one of the most effective ways to strengthen glutes. This exercise specifically targets hips to make it strong. It is usually hard to train glutes because it is considered the largest muscle of our body. It takes comparatively more time to get stronger.


According to research, hamstrings have approximately 30% contribution in jumps. The hamstring is one of the major muscles which is prone to injury and that is why it is very necessary to train them. Athletes who participate in sports like football, basketball, and volleyball have high chances to face injury.

Hamstrings are one of the muscles which are involved in routine activities such as walking and running. Training hamstrings would help you to improve flexibility in your body. They not only enable you to jump high but also prevent lower back pain, helps you to prevent major injuries, and improve the overall posture of your body. Even if you do not workout you should train your hamstrings daily by stretching. Stretching can be easily done at home and it does not take more than 15 minutes to perform. These muscles need lesser training time because they are involved in daily tasks as well. You should always make sure that your hamstrings are relaxed and they are not tightened up. If you feel any tightness in your hamstrings, stretching would be the best option to reduce it.


It has been estimated that calves generate around 20% power to make you jump high. Calf muscles allow you to have a full range of motion while you jump. It provides you with the initial thrust to make you jump as high as possible. Calf muscles are one of the largest muscles in the legs. Therefore, it is important to train them. One of the main benefits of calf muscles is that it helps to absorb pressure during the jump which saves you from major injuries. Athletes must have a strong calf as it provides mobility to ankle and knee joints. People with weak calves may able to jump high but they will be exposed to injuries as well. Calf muscles take time to grow and regular training is essential to maximize the performance.

Core Muscles

Lower body plays an important role in increasing your jump but that does not mean that we should neglect the upper body. The upper body does not play a major role in making you jump high but it certainly helps you to go high while jumping. Core muscles also play an important part in a jump. These muscles help to absorb the pressure during the jump and help the athlete to maintain his balance. Core muscles transfer the energy from the lower to the upper body. So if you have a strong core it would be easy for you to jump high.

Precautionary Measure to Help You

Here are some precautionary measures that you can take before training any muscles.

  • A professional trainer knows all the pros and cons better than you. Hiring a trainer would be beneficial for you.
  • Overtraining is never a choice. Perform exercises that your body can tackle. Overstressing muscles cause fatigue which is not a good sign.
  • If you are a beginner, perform simple exercises and do not run into the rigorous training instantly.
  • Consult a doctor if you have any unbearable pain. The situation might get worse if you do not consult a doctor immediately.


Higher jumps are essential for players and athletes. You can always work on your jumps but make sure you know the basics. A professional will be a bonus because he will let you know everything that is good or bad for your body. Training the lower back and core muscles will have exceptional results but do not lose hope. Consistency will bring success to you soon. recommends Adam Folker's Vert Shock System to help you jump higher. Add 15 inches to your vertical jump now. Buy with confidence with their 90 day Money Back Guarantee!

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Written by Jump Higher Guide

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